Saturday, August 25, 2012

Ziplining, repurposing, caving, and miscellaneous

I know I've neglected my blog lately.  There is so much more to do in the summer that I want to be outside as much as possible. So, here are a few things we've been doing the last few weeks.

Hubby and I went to see his brother who was visiting from Europe.  He and his wife have a house on Lake Hamilton in Hot Springs, Arkansas.  Road trips are the perfect opportunity for adventure.  Once we knew when we were going I started looking for routes to take, and opportunites for adventure along each route.  I had been wanting to check out LaRoche castle near Cincinnati for years.  So that became stop number one. One man built this castle.  He was 84 when he laid his last stone.

From Cincinnati we drove to Branson, Missouri to zipline. (We passed the St. Louis arch on the way) We have both been wanting to zipline. We went to an obstacle course last year, which kicked my butt, but this time we just wanted to zip.  We both loved it!  It was in the mountains, and we did four ziplines.

Golly I hate having my picture taken.  This picture was my motivation to start dieting :) 

We also visited Meramac Caverns in Missouri.  I had been there as a kid, but Mark had never been.  We both love caves and we enjoyed this one.

We've been working on the cornzebo.  We finally got a table made for the cornzebo.  Here are a couple pics... We made the table top out of old deck boards that someone had thrown out for the trash.  These were 14' long. I wanted a 5' round table, so we cut 11 five foot pieces, scribed a circle on the back, numbered the boards and used the jigsaw to cut them out.  We put supports on the bottom, and used this old terracotta tile as the base.

We sanded it good, added a tiny bit of green to the existing red, and gray paint, and then I added some oak stain to make the raw wood look less dry and weathered.
I think it fits perfect.  There is plenty of room to walk around it, but it's close enough to pull the chairs up to the table to eat if we want to eat out there.
Can't get enough time with these two.  They're "Granny's" helpers.  I love being a granny.
I found this little guy while watering.  I love unexpected surpirses.
I hope you're having fun.  Until next time.


Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Cornzebo update

I haven't posted lately but I have alot to share... however I don't have time today.  I wanted to share a recent picture of the cornzebo.  We used found rocks and created a flower bed around it.  Now that the flowers are growing the cornzebo looks much more like it belongs with our house.  What do you think?

I'll be back another day to catch you up on my adventures and projects.
