Sunday, February 1, 2009

It's a heat wave!

It's a balmy 39 degrees here today. I was out shoveling and had to take off my coat, because I was sweating! Woo hoo!!!! Of course, there's another alberta clipper headed for us, and tomorrow will probably be a chilly 10 degrees, but TODAY is fabulous. The sun is shining, the snow is melting, and is packing really good snowballs. Cody, Joe, Papa and I had a snowball fight. We have an icicle hanging off the back corner of the house that is about 15' long. I'll publish some pics shortly. I need to go fix some lunch. Throwing snowballs works up a sweat and an appetite.


Anonymous said...

The snow looks so pretty! It looks like your grandson is having fun! When you get old and have brittle bones, like me, I'd rather it be there and not here! Your narrow windows look neat. One of these days I do want to see your home! Janice

Smocha said...

OOh I love your pictures. That is one HUGE icicle.
Ya'll can keep that snow:)