It's been quite the week....
First, Mark wanted to take my beamer to WV. NO FREAKIN WAY!!!!!
SO..... we took the truck. It broke down as we pulled into the hotel. Thankfully it made it that far and didn't break down on the road somewhere....
Spent the next day in the waiting room of the Dodge dealership in Oakhill, WV. A couple hours later Mark and the mechanice decided they couldn't fix it without ordering the part. By the time we decided to rent a car, we just missed the last rafts for the day. So, stayed over intending to pick the truck up the next morning, on our way to our 11am rafting trip down the New River, but the part didn't come in. It got done around 4pm but we didn't get off the river until 5:30, and they were closed. So, we went to see my brother and spent there. Mark took the couch and I took the floor. Needless to say I wasn't very pleasant the next day. Brought Samson back with us. They're moving to Boston.

Next time you're feeling fat, pull up this pic and you'll feel much better about yourself.....

The birthday boy.
Had the B-day party last night. I sent those pics seperately.
We took my Dad to see the Bourne Ultimatum this evening. Good movie!
Back to work tomorrow. Can't say I'm looking forward to it. Work sucks!!!